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A warm welcome to our website

                                                 Warm welcome to Wolsey House Primary School

On behalf of the staff, children and governors, we would like to welcome you to Wolsey House Primary School. We hope that you and your children have a positive and rewarding association with us.

We are a diverse learning community that provides the best possible support in enabling pupils to achieve their best and reach their potential. We believe that Wolsey House is an ambitious, busy and friendly school. Our Curriculum is broad and balanced.

We feel very proud and privileged to be the Co-Headteachers of this successful, high-performing school. We lead a team of highly trained, dedicated, hardworking practitioners who strive to provide the children with the best possible educational experiences. Learning at Wolsey House is delivered through lessons in the classrooms and around school, through the provision of extra-curricular activities and clubs, visitors to school and educational trips.

The school is justifiably proud of its achievements in promoting excellent behaviour, sportsmanship, music, the creative arts and global citizenship. We are fortunate to have supportive parents, carers and other family members.

We hope that you find our website to be both useful and informative with up – to – date news and photographs to let you know what is happening. It is designed to give you a taster of school life as well as being a valuable resource with a wealth of information for our pupils, staff, governors, parents and carers.

Our school motto is:


We encourage parents to be involved in their child’s learning. Together we can make a difference for all our children. At Wolsey House we provide a caring, secure, challenging and enjoyable learning environment to which children, staff, parents and governors are proud to belong. We celebrate pupils’ achievements and successes and aim to prepare our pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of a fast changing world. We value the talents and contributions of everyone in our TEAM and encourage mutual respect for all.

At Wolsey House, we aim to foster strong links in our local community and beyond.

We look forward to getting to know you and your children and to working with you in the future.

Thank you for your interest in our school.

Helen King and Steve Powell
